Testing JWT Authenticated APIs with PHPUnit and Pest in Laravel - 16/04/2024
How to test your Laravel APIs with PHPUnit and Pest, using Factory, Traits, and custom commands
Testing APIs with PHPUnit and Pest in Laravel
Recently, I needed to implement API tests in Laravel with PHPUnit and Pest, and I found it interesting to share a bit about it for future reference.
PHPUnit is a unit testing tool for the PHP programming language that provides a framework for writing unit tests. Pest is an alternative to PHPUnit, built on top of it but with a slightly simpler syntax.
Configuring PHPUnit and Pest
Check Pest’s official documentation for more details on installation and configuration.
After installation, we can start writing tests for our Laravel APIs in the tests/Feature
Test Case Configuration
In PHPUnit, test cases are typically classes that extend PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
. Using Pest, a Pest.php
file is created at the root of the /tests
folder, which is used for global configurations or utility functions that can be used in all tests.
In this file, for example, we use Laravel’s base test class, Tests\TestCase
, which already has common setup and teardown methods, configurations, or utility methods used in your tests.
: This is your base test case class, which may include common setup and teardown methods, configurations, or utility methods used in your tests.DatabaseTransactions::class
: This class ensures that each test is run within a database transaction, which is rolled back at the end of the test, ensuring a clean state for the next test.
Generating a JWT Token for Authentication
Many APIs use the JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication strategy to protect routes. During testing, we can create a utility function to generate a valid JWT token for authentication, and then reuse it as needed.
To do this, we can create a custom Artisan Command to generate a JWT token based on specific parameters, such as user ID, profile ID, etc.
php artisan make:command GenerateJwtToken
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Firebase\JWT\JWT;
class GenerateJwtToken extends Command
protected $signature = 'make:jwt {--user_id=1} {--profile_id=1} {--days=1}';
protected $description = 'Generate a JWT token';
* @return void
public function handle(): void
$secret = env('JWT_SECRET');
$now = time();
$exp = $this->option('days');
$payload = [
'iat' => $now,
'nbf' => $now,
'exp' => $now + ($exp * 24 * 60 * 60),
'user_id' => 1,
'profile_id' => 1,
$token = JWT::encode($payload, $secret, 'HS256');
In the Pest.php
file, we can create a global utility function to generate a valid JWT token and reuse it in our tests.
function generateJwtToken()
Artisan::call('make:jwt', [
'--user_id' => 1,
'--profile_id' => 1,
'--days' => 1
$token = Artisan::output();
return $token;
Using Factories for Test Data
Factories are a very nice feature in Laravel for generating model instances with fake data. It is very useful for creating consistent and repeatable data during tests.
To create a factory, simply run the command:
php artisan make:factory UserFactory --model=User
The generated factory will be stored in the database/factories/UserFactory.php
After creating the factory, we can define the model attributes using the Faker library to generate fake data for each attribute.
public function definition()
return [
'name' => $this->faker->name(),
'email' => $this->faker->unique()->safeEmail(),
'password' => 'password',
Practical Examples
Feature Tests
Feature Tests are used to test flows, such as creating a user. These tests should be written based on the user’s needs and should be located in the tests/Feature
directory. When testing an API, it is always recommended to start with feature tests.
Exemplo GET tests/Feature/API/v1/UserControllerTest.php
use App\Models\User;
it('can get all users', function () {
$token = generateJwtToken();
$response = $this->withHeaders([
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token,
'*' => [
Let’s analyze a typical test:
- Using Pest’s
method to define the test name and test function. (it could also betest
) - We create a JWT token using the
function. - The test function uses the
method to send a GET request to the/api/v1/users
route, passing the token in the request header. - We use the
method to verify that the response status is 200.
For a POST test to create a new user, the process involves:
Exemplo POST tests/Feature/API/v1/UserControllerTest.php
it('can create user', function () {
$user = User::factory()->make();
$token = generateJwtToken();
$response = $this->withHeaders([
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token,
])->post('/api/v1/users', $user->toArray());
$data = $response->json();
$createdUser = User::find($data['id']);
- Using the
method to create a new instance of the User model with random data. - Using the
method to send a POST request to the/api/v1/users
route, passing the new user’s data and the authorization token in the request header. - Using the
method to verify that the HTTP response status is 200. - Using the
method to verify that the user was created in the database.
Note that since we are using the DatabaseTransactions
class, the database is cleaned up after each test, ensuring that tests are independent and do not affect each other.
How to Run the Tests?
In your terminal, run the commands ./vendor/bin/pest
or php artisan test
To run a specific test file, use the command php artisan test --filter TestFileName
You can also generate a code coverage report using the command php artisan test --coverage --coverage-clover coverage.xml
I had a very smooth experience using PHPUnit and Pest to test Laravel APIs! Both tools are powerful and easy to use, providing an effective way to ensure your code works as expected.